50 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for 10 Year Old Boys

by | Holidays, Home

Wanting a little help with your holiday gift shopping this year?? Check out my gift guides, curated with help from my family to give you the best gift ideas for everyone on your list!  Today, check out 50 of the best Christmas gift ideas for 10 year old boys…practical gifts, fun gifts, and wish list items for them to find on Christmas morning!

This week is going to be all about helping you get some great gifts checked off of your list with zero stress!  In fact, I rounded up my family and even some of their friends to help me curate the BEST gift guides for some of the “harder-to-buy-for” people on your list.  Up today are the boys, specifically Christmas gift ideas for 10 year old boys.  If you’re wondering why I think I am qualified to give you a gift list of 50 of the best Christmas gift ideas for 10 year old boys, it is because 10-year-old boys are a big part of our home now!  

Between my own son and his friends, we have a lot of fun around our home with boys in this age range.  Even better, my 10-year-old son helped me curate almost this entire list!

Having a younger boy myself, I will admit that buying him gifts is can feel kind of tricky.  Let’s be honest; the 10-year-old girls are just a little easier to shop for. However, I happen to love picking out fun Christmas gift ideas for my little guy, even though it is hard to believe we aren’t wrapping up so many bulky toys anymore!  

Before I know it, my own son will be in his teenage years and it makes me want to be more intentional than ever with gifts that help him enjoy these tween years of life! Time slow down!

However, narrowing down all of the practical gifts as well as fun options to find the very best gifts he will want is the hardest part.

This list of the best Christmas gift ideas for 10 year old boys is the tip of the iceberg but I hope it can help take some of the guess work out of figuring out what to buy these pre-teen boys and older kids!  However, with Harrison’s help, I think you’ll find great ideas here for kids of all ages and specifically for the boys in their preteen years.

Here is my ultimate gift guide and easy gift list ideas for the kids in this age group on your list!

pic of Robyn and Harrison at the Christmas tree farm

50 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for 10 Year Old Boys

picture of a collage of favorite gifts for 10 year old boys
picture of the girls kissing Harrison in front of the tree
picture of several gifts wrapped in different types of green and whit wrapping paper
Harrison in Christmas pjs in front of the Christmas tree holding a large Christmas gift
image of gift wrapped in paper with forest trees on it wrapped with twine around it and a bell tied to the front

Christmas Gift Ideas for 10 Year Old Boys: Stocking Stuffer Gift Guide

Don’t forget the little things!

I ALWAYS end up with too many stocking stuffers for most of my family members.  All the fun, little things (especially pranks or silly stuff for the guys) seem to just jump into my online cart or even worse if I’m at the actual store!  If you’re looking for some stocking stuffer ideas, though, check out this stocking stuff gift guide!

Again, these lists are taken straight from my family and things everyone has wanted over the past couple of years!  They can’t be wrong, coming straight from the children, teens, and my favorite guy themselves, right?!

Christmas Gift Ideas for 10 Year Old Boys: Gift Wrapping Ideas

Once you’ve made those gift purchases, it’s time to wrap them up!  I know you don’t have a lot of time left for fancy wrapping, but you can catch some easy and simple ideas HERE to make your packages look special!

There is another round up of great gift wrapping ideas HERE too!

stockings hung on the end of a cabinet by the Christmas tree

More gift guides for the entire family!

I have created several different gift guides, round ups of ideas, and curated shoppable posts to help you out!  As always, I like to have my family help me with these gift guides.  After all, who knows better than a tween girl what a tween girl wants for Christmas or in her stocking?!

I hope these help you out as you have fun finding just the right gift to let your people know how much you love them this holiday season!

Robyn wrapping gifts at the kitchen island

Did you get a few special gifts checked off of your list?  I hope this was helpful!  You can check out my other gift guide posts, thoughtfully curated for you, found HERE on my storefront.   Check back often, as I daily add fun finds, sales, and curated, shoppable posts to try and make your holiday shopping as stress free as possible!

Remember, it is not the money amount that is important.  It’s not even about finding the most perfect gift or big gifts that don’t fit your budget.

What it IS all about is celebrating the holiday season for all of the right reasons and helping these super special preteen boys know that they are still deeply loved and cared for, even as they are growing up too quickly!

Favorite gifts are icing on the cake and I hope this post has even helped you find a few of those for your special guys too!

Happy shopping and most of all, happy gifting from the heart!

kids in Christmas pjs laying in a large pile of shredded wrapping paper

I’d love for you to follow me on social media!  You can find my home decor inspiration on Instagram, Pinterestand Facebook!  











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